Published on January 31, 2004 By Charlie Poore In Politics

The American Political Magician
Is it any wonder that nothing gets done ?First the circus is set up by the media. All the candidates stand up there while one person growls out questions about he said, he said..They stare at those trying to answer some dumb question that has been asked over and over and try to force a mistake How about a forum like Charlie Rose would have -Relaxed round table one on one with monitor in background for sound bites of other candidate, past comments as needed. Then ask questions like [Half of our country burned down last year, If you heard about that, what do you think should be done?] [We are being over run by illegals, or haven’t you noticed What do you think should be done [The Mississippi river once the most proud in the U.S. Has now become the most polluted, and because of no flood control has continued to ruin untold amounts of farmlands, and displace thousands of people. What do you think needs to be done to fix it?] [Oxygenated fuel technology is on our doorstep that would clean up seventy percent of our pollution problems ,would you force implementation? If not why not?]
[Companies are moving jobs overseas by the thousands, has anybody told you about that?
[Would you consider a program where the Government would make a loan to the employees to take over control of these companies as fast as they leave, pull their patents, and bar the import of same ? Bring back made in U.S.A.?If not why not? .
These are just a few questions I would like to hear answered . Any body with half a brain knows that George Bush got tired of hearing that his daddy didn’t finish the job, I know I did. That aside ,If he stands up against Vicente Fox and insist he take care his own, Then I ‘im glad we had a person in place that had the guts to do what he did and I will vote for him to finish the job. The world is going to be a safer place as we continue to get rid of the crud among us.

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